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  • Eye of the Beholder - by Supreme-Court


    This is typical Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game. This, my friends, is what hardcore RPG is all about. There is very little NPC interaction, real time battles, mass experiences, all packaged in a sweet deal complete with primitive graphics. Fortunately I got my feet wet with this game before with the PC version. I am pretty convinced that this is a direct port of Eye of the Beholder 3 PC version.

    Graphics [4/10]:

    Whoa what happened here. Well actually if you think about it, this isn't bad. Not many PC games back then had good graphics. So being a PC-port, naturally you wouldn't expect the game company to spice up the graphics now would you? The graphics look very similar to Might and Magic 3. You move through the dungeon in a first person perspective, explore around, look at details on the wall, press switches. The movement is done one frame per move. This can be quite disorienting to players who are not used to the "old school first person perspective". The monsters are pretty detailed, but other than that they offer only 2 to 3 frames of animation each. So in summary, this game does not move in a continuous motion. Instead, think of this game's graphics as flipping through a series of photographs.

    Sound & Music [3.5/10]:

    The opening music is pretty catchy with a sense of urgency. But once it gets inside the game, the music is gone. All you hear are occasional monster sounds as well as some random noises made by teleporters and switches. Did I mention doors have the same sound regardless what type of door they are?

    Gameplay/Fun Factor [7/10]:

    This may be a bit biased, but I am a very hardcore RPG fan. This is basically the essence of a RPG without any good storyline to it. Even though I hated the graphics and the sounds, but the satisfaction of gaining a level, learning a new spell, is unmatched. This game is the embodiment of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rule book. Everything is intact. Every rule, every standard monster. This game drips with RPG satisfaction. Oh heavenly bliss... But of course this isn't the game for everyone. This is a very good game only for those who can overlook graphical short comings as well as lack of music.

    Conclusion/Overall [6/10]:

    Hey this game is pretty fun. And once again, because I am a hardcore RPG fan, this score is pretty much just my opinion. I am in no way saying that this will be the score for everyone else. If you are a casual gamer, then pass this game up. If you are a hardcore RPG fan, well what are you waiting for?

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